Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


Yet Another Doc Visit

So today we had another visit to the midwife. Joey accompanied me as usual. Everything is going very well with the pregnancy. My weight gain is right on target, which is one of the things that makes me the happiest. The baby's heartbeat was in the 140s; the midwife said this was perfect. We talked to her a lot about getting more information about birth since I don't feel comfortable or able to sit through birth classes. She suggested videos and reading. I have already been reading through Active Birth and Gentle Birth Choices which are both excellent resources. Soon Joey and I will have to start practicing birthing positions and breathing to get ready for the big day (or days...). I will also be doing a lot of reading these last weeks about breastfeeding and such. My mom got me this book called the Fourth Trimester, which I think will prove an invaluable resource in the 3 months after the baby is born. It is so exciting that the baby is so close to being here. Joey is getting more attached to Alden, I think, as he is talking to him more and hugging me around the belly a lot! We both keep saying, "We're going to have a baby," like neither one of us knows or something! I think it just takes a while to set in. However, it has become somewhat more real to us now that Alden responds to touch from the outside and to our voices. He even moves and responds differently to the members of my immediate family when they each talk to him! It's just so neat! By the way, I think he says hi right now by putting his foot in my ribs and kicking at my belly button!

Well, we will update again soon! Everyone have a great one!


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