The Text Portion
Job - I (Karissa) landed a new job with the Domestic Violence Program as Child Advocate at the Women's Shelter. I am super excited because it pays $2 more and hour and is in my field. Also, the hours will be different so that Alden will get more time with us and only a few hours in the care of one of my good friends. Yes, that's right, no more day care! No more sickness, stress, and craziness. I feel this job will be wonderful for our family. I am also suprised I got the job. I was chosen over a lady with more experience that is also biligual in Spanish and English! They said they just really liked me and could see me actually playing with the kids. What an honor! I got this job by doing volunteer work with their program for my social work class. Now, more than ever, and I glad I opted to do 40 hours volunteer work instead of a research paper! This job change couldn't come at a better time for us. Joey also received a significant raise at his job as an Electrician - they gave him more than he asked for! When does that ever happen?
School - I completed my 16 hours of school this past week! I am super proud, and so is Joey, because I made straight A's! It's weird because I never managed that amount of success in college before when I didn't have my own family. I feel that I have more focus, and I also have the support of Joey and my parents. I couldn't do it without them! I should graduate in a year. I am drawing it out longer so that I can spend more time with Alden and possibly get in some research in the Spring.
House - We have mostly finished our new deck! You might see it in some of the pictures. Currie and Pam came in March and helped us start it. It is awesome with a built in bench and everything. Also, we built a neat little flower box to go on the front. We have planted a garden with a little of a lot of things, and we're hoping some of it will come up soon! The garden is fenced to keep the "animals" (Kona, Jake, Alden) out of it. We're really enjoying having a place of our own.
Alden - Where to start? He will soon be 22 months, and he is constantly amazing us with the speed at which he learns new things. He takes his popper mower and pulls back on an imaginary string to "start" it like we do with the push mower. Then he pretends to mow - in rows! He loves to have pretend conversations on cell phones, and the other night he even improvised with a wadded up napkin being the phone! He says a lot of words, though mostly he just pronounces the first syllable with a little variation on the end so you sort of know what he is saying. Instead of yes he says "kay" and now he has started vocally drawing out the word and varying the pitch. He has a sense of humor. He can now ask for his "pah" (pacifier) and "beek" (blanket). He still uses some signs for milk, more, and all done. He loves playing outside for hours on end, and he really enjoys helping mommy and daddy with anything. He pretty much feeds the dogs for us! His favorite video series right now is "Kipper", a show about British accented dogs that walk around and go on adventures. We really like the show because the language sounds a little different, the interactions between the characters are really good, and they are usually discovering things outside. There is a lot of creativity expressed. Of course, we have to limit his watching of the show because he'd watch it all day if we let him! He is growing up so fast and is really a joy to be around.
Dogs - We still have Kona, and for my birthday we got Jake. He is a heeler-something-mix, probably some sort of hound. He has the sweetest dispositiona anf follows Kona around like a big brother. Today we took them on their first walk together, and they had a blast. Jake just follows Kona's lead, trailing right behind him, which is usually a good thing. We are so glad both of our dogs are excellent with Alden, and we are also delighted Alden enjoys them as much as we do.
So, in all, our lives are fantastically busy and filled with new adventures. Money is still tight, something always needs doing, but we are the happiest we've ever been because we get to be together.
School - I completed my 16 hours of school this past week! I am super proud, and so is Joey, because I made straight A's! It's weird because I never managed that amount of success in college before when I didn't have my own family. I feel that I have more focus, and I also have the support of Joey and my parents. I couldn't do it without them! I should graduate in a year. I am drawing it out longer so that I can spend more time with Alden and possibly get in some research in the Spring.
House - We have mostly finished our new deck! You might see it in some of the pictures. Currie and Pam came in March and helped us start it. It is awesome with a built in bench and everything. Also, we built a neat little flower box to go on the front. We have planted a garden with a little of a lot of things, and we're hoping some of it will come up soon! The garden is fenced to keep the "animals" (Kona, Jake, Alden) out of it. We're really enjoying having a place of our own.
Alden - Where to start? He will soon be 22 months, and he is constantly amazing us with the speed at which he learns new things. He takes his popper mower and pulls back on an imaginary string to "start" it like we do with the push mower. Then he pretends to mow - in rows! He loves to have pretend conversations on cell phones, and the other night he even improvised with a wadded up napkin being the phone! He says a lot of words, though mostly he just pronounces the first syllable with a little variation on the end so you sort of know what he is saying. Instead of yes he says "kay" and now he has started vocally drawing out the word and varying the pitch. He has a sense of humor. He can now ask for his "pah" (pacifier) and "beek" (blanket). He still uses some signs for milk, more, and all done. He loves playing outside for hours on end, and he really enjoys helping mommy and daddy with anything. He pretty much feeds the dogs for us! His favorite video series right now is "Kipper", a show about British accented dogs that walk around and go on adventures. We really like the show because the language sounds a little different, the interactions between the characters are really good, and they are usually discovering things outside. There is a lot of creativity expressed. Of course, we have to limit his watching of the show because he'd watch it all day if we let him! He is growing up so fast and is really a joy to be around.
Dogs - We still have Kona, and for my birthday we got Jake. He is a heeler-something-mix, probably some sort of hound. He has the sweetest dispositiona anf follows Kona around like a big brother. Today we took them on their first walk together, and they had a blast. Jake just follows Kona's lead, trailing right behind him, which is usually a good thing. We are so glad both of our dogs are excellent with Alden, and we are also delighted Alden enjoys them as much as we do.
So, in all, our lives are fantastically busy and filled with new adventures. Money is still tight, something always needs doing, but we are the happiest we've ever been because we get to be together.
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