Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


Short Clips of Alden on His Tummy


A Video!!


2 Months

Alden is getting so big! At two months, he loves smiling and talking. He still loves Daddy's guitar playing and Mommy's funny faces. He likes to stand up (with help!) and try to touch his toes. He's getting a little less fussy, but he still doesn't sleep through the night just yet! We are actually starting to enjoy parenthood some now that Alden can interact. My favorite thing he does is to watch our mouths when we are talking to him. He tries to figure out how to make the sounds we are making and then tries his best with "oohs" and "ahhs". It's precious!

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Photo Shoot with Daddy

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Saturday at the Park

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A Saturday at the Park

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8 weeks

As you can see, he's found his hands...and thinks they taste good. I think he's teething early...


7 Weeks

The pictures above were all taken sometime in the last two weeks.

These were all taken today! Alden really enjoys sitting in his seat and touching his toys! He has figured out how to hit them, punch them, and grab them. I'm so proud. He also seems to love the camera. He is mesmerized by it every time I start taking pictures!