Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


15 Months

Who knew 3 bucks at a yard sale would bring so much joy?

Alden knew just what to do with the car. He opened the door, let himself in, and started going around the yard.

Alden has been growing like wildfire lately. I'll list all the things I can think of:

1) Trying to jump (like daddy)
2) Understands most words we say
3) Knows and uses signs for eat, more, milk/drink, gramma, grand-PA, bye, and hi
4) Can say parts of the books we read (memorization)
5) Really tries to pronounce words like - Puppy, Daddy, Mama, "Joey", Baby, Bye, More, Doggy, and some others. Usually he gets syllables right, and sometimes the sounds.
6) He can climb VERY well. So well that he did it while we weren't watching and fell off of a bar stool. He got a minor concussion and recovered lightening fast. Gave us a little scare, though!
7) He understands routine and can point to what is next!
8) Loves picking out his own shoes to wear.
9) He is Superman for Halloween.
10) Gets his hair styled with anti-frizz gel every morning.
11) Likes to play more on his own now, especially outside.
12) Does very well at daycare.
13) Likes playing hide and seek and tickling.
14) Loves to see what he can get away with!
15) Climbs on the dogs and plays chase with them in the house.
16) Reminds us to feed the fish and the dogs and to let the dogs into the house!
17) Loves to help and do big boy things (laundry, dishes, playing keyboard)

You'd just have to see him. I can't believe how much he is developing right before my eyes.
I will have more pictures up soon, as well as a Christmas Wish List for Alden!


September Pictures


As Promised